Image of Victor Street Surgery

New Patient Registration

Redgate Medical Centre currently has an open patient list, which means we are happy to accept registration requests from anyone living within the practice boundary.

Patients can register by either completing registrations forms in the practice or online.

 Adult Registration Form

 Under 16s Registration Form

We do ask, if possible, that you provide photographic identification and/or proof of address for all adult registrations to confirm that you are living in our practice catchment area. Sight of each child's Red Book is also helpful at registration so we can ensure information collected at previous developmental checks is transferred to the GP record.

Registration will not normally be declined should identification documents not be available.

Your Named GP

Changes to the GP contract mean that all patients in England, including children, now benefit from having a named, accountable doctor who will be responsible for coordinating their care.  If you are unsure who your named GP is please speak to one of our receptionists.

You can still have appointments with any of our clinicians not just your Named GP.

Patients aged 75 and over

In addition for patients aged 75 and over the named accountable GP will also:

  • Work with relevant associated health and social care professionals to deliver a multi-disciplinary care package that meets the needs of the patient
  • Ensure these patients have access to a health check

Change of Address

If you change name, address or telephone number, please let our receptionists know immediately.

Change of Contact Details Form

If you move outside the practice area you may need to find a doctor in your new area.

There are instructions on what to do when you move to a new area on the back of your NHS medical card.

The NHS App

Redgate Medical Centre would like to invite you to use The NHS App

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.