Health Visitors

Routine appointments with Health Visitors

Home visits are made according to family and individual needs. A home visit is made around the eleventh day after the birth of a new baby and the Health Visitor will undertake a Newborn Hearing Screening Programme.

Antenatal Health Promotion visiting from 28 weeks of pregnancy
Primary Visit After you are discharged by the midwife, home visit within 14 days of birth
6-8 weeks Baby assessment
1 year 1 year review
2-2½ years 2 year review

The Health Visitors are also involved in activities for all age groups. These include community health programmes, e.g. smoking, breast feeding awareness campaigns, parentcraft, group work teaching on all aspects of health, child protection and training of other professionals.

How to contact the Health Visitors:

Tel: 0300 323 0116

The Health Visiting team are at the Child Health Clinic every week for advice and support, as well as a good opportunity to meet other parents.

Health visiting hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.  If they are unable to take your telephone call, please leave a message their answerphone and they will get back to you but this may not be on the same day.

If you are worried about the health of your child either contact your GP or NHS 111.


Child Health Clinics in Bridgwater

Mondays - The Garden Children's Centre 1.00pm to 3.00pm

Wednesdays - Willows Children's Centre 10.30am to 11.30am

Thursdays - Sydenham Family Centre, Fairfax Road 1.00pm to 2.30pm