Disability Access

  • Designated disabled parking bays are located close to the surgery entrance.
  • There is level access to the building.
  • The surgery has wide doors to allow for wheelchair access and there is good access for the disabled to all of our consultation rooms.
  • There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor.
  • A wheelchair is available for use during the course of your visit if required.
Image of smiling child in wheelchair
Image of Blue Badge sign on wall

Disabled parking – Blue badge scheme

The Blue Badge Scheme is for people with severe mobility problems. It allows Blue Badge holders to park close to where they need to go.

For more information and an Application Form visit your local council office.

Loop system

We have a loop induction system at Reception to assist the hearing impaired. For more information on the loop hearing system visit Hearing Link website.

Image of Loop System
Image of blind lady

Blind/partially sighted

If you or your family members are blind or partially sighted we can give you a CD or large print of our Practice leaflet upon request. Please ask our staff for further information.

For more advice and support for blind people please visit the following websites:

Guide Dogs

Guide dogs are welcome at the Practice but we ask that you be aware of other patients and staff who may have an allergy or fear of dogs.


Please visit the guide dog website for further information.

Image of dog helping blind lady walk

Communicating With Our Patients

At Redgate Medical Centre we are keen to ensure that we communicate well with our patients. We want to be sure that you can easily understand and read the information we send you.

If you find it difficult to read our letters or if you need someone to support you at appointments, please let us know.

Examples of how we can help:

  • Do you require information in braille, large print or easy read?
  • Do you require a British Sign Language interpreter or advocate?

If you have any communication preferences, please let a member of the Reception Team know so we can update your records and make sure that we comply with your request.

 Accessibility Needs Form